Selling Selling Europe; Sword Lann Lv. 90, +15 armagedon, 26k att / 90/65/128

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by harrower, 5/9/17.

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  1. harrower

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    Hey Guys,

    I am selling my friend's Lann account in Vindictus Europe. (I am fiona main btw :eek: )
    Sadly he said he quits playing games..:( but leaving behind a decent Lann char.
    Since I play lots of other games like overwatch, rust, poe etc. but I cannot find some more time to play with another vindictus char...
    I dont want to leave my friend's account to rot either.

    Here is the char;

    I said the price is 400$ but it is #.

    If you are intrested and need more detailed info, please contact me from here first, then I can arrange a middleman.

    Thanks for reading.
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