Sold [H] PayPal [W] Comp-Natured 20th Anniversary Mythicals

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/sleepy_by_day, 5/8/17.

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  1. /u/sleepy_by_day

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    [bvirtual] Hello, I'm looking for all 11 of the 20th Anniversary Event Mythicals as I just recently got into Pokemon (when Moon came out) and missed out on everything from the 6th generation. IVs don't really matter to me as I assume everything will have at least 3 or 4 perfect IVs (though it'd be nice if they at least had perfect IVs in things like Speed/SpA/A etc.). I do require the right natures, however (ENG only please):

    Careful Mew

    Timid Celebi

    Careful Jirachi

    Timid Darkrai

    Timid Manaphy

    Timid Shaymin

    Adamant Arceus

    Naive Victini

    Timid Keldeo

    Timid Genesect

    Timid Meloetta

    Let me know what your prices are!

    # #/sleepy_by_day
    # .
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