Selling [H] Hurtworld, Wolf Among Us, Project CARS, Rocket league, Subnautica, South Park: SoT,...

Discussion in 'Subnautica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/CrazyDrog, 5/8/17.

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  1. /u/CrazyDrog

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    I might be looking for extra copies of some games, that's why they are both in haves and wants.

    Some other games I want (preferably as gift links):

    • Stellaris, Total War:Warhammer
    • Inside, Turing Test, Undertale, This is the Police
    • Current Humble bundle (Crashlands, Curious Expedition, Stephen's Sausage Roll, UnderRail), also Candle from BundleStars Killer Bundle 9.
    • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Jackbox Party 1-3, Rocket League, The Forest, XCOM 2, The Witness, Slime Rancher, Planetary Annihilation: TITANS, The Talos Principle, Crawl, Inside, Dirt Rally, Offworld Trading Company and other Monthly games
    • Stardew Valley, Black Mesa, Helldivers, Vermintide, Ultimate Chicken Horse, Move or Die, Nuclear Throne, Invisible Inc., ABZU, Hand of Fate
    • Wishlist
    • I don't use paypal but I'm open to Steam/Humble store offers

    Here are some games I have to offer:

    * Banished
    * Black Mesa
    * Crawl
    * Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
    * DiRT Rally
    * Inside
    * Hurtworld
    * Mark of the Ninja Special Edition
    * Offworld trading company
    * Payday 2
    * Project CARS
    * Rocket league - reserved
    * Rust
    * South Park: Stick of Truth
    * Space Engineers - reserved
    * Spelunky
    * Subnautica
    * The Turing Test
    * The Witness
    * This is the Police
    * Wolf Among Us
    * Torchlight II
    * Total War: Warhammer
    * Undertale
    * Valkyria Chronicles - reserved
    * Verdun
    * XCOM 2

    # #/CrazyDrog
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