Sold NA Bah Selling Job Points / Tartarus Platemail / Empy Mythic Aeonic weapons

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by yifei999, 5/8/17.

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  1. yifei999

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    Please add my skype : [email protected] if you are interested :) I am on BAH 7 years with highest credit.
    Job Points 0-2100 =$200
    Merlinic set :70$
    Herculean set : 70$
    Valorous set 70$
    Abjurations set 70$
    Reisenjima weapon 20$

    Empy weapon
    75-80 items each 1.2$
    80-85 50 items each 1.2$
    85-90 75 items each 1.5$

    Mythic Weapons and Trials 1000$

    An Imperial Heist
    1-99 Nyzul Completion
    1 Vigil Weapon + WS Unlock, must have adequate combat skills and equipment
    3 ToAU NM, 4 Salvage Chariots, Odin

    Duties, Tasks, and Deeds
    1 Balrahn's Eyepatch (100k Therion Ichor)
    1 Copy of Wyrmseeker Areuhat (150k Nyzul Tokens)
    Assault Log Completions (Must already possess Captain Rank, else this will charge extra)
    30000 Alexandrites

    Forging a New Myth Items
    Sarameya's Hide, Tinnin's Fang, Tyger's Tail

    Mythic Trials 75lv (Weapons to killed x 1000 Mobs)
    Mythic Trials 80lv (Weapons to killed x 400 Mobs)
    Mythic Trials 85lv ZNM T4 (Sarameya, Tinnin, Tyger killed x3)
    Mythic Trials 90lv Salvage Chariots NM (killed x3)
    Mythic Trials 95lv - 119lv (Mulcibar's Scoria x3 ) (Beitetsu x 300)

    Aeonic weapons 380$

    Tartarus Platemail 200$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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