Trading Ruby Wand For World Of Warcraft Account [Euro]

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    Trading a ruby wand for a WoW Euro account.

    Ruby wand stats:

    Rank 18x

    130+ Avatars

    30+ Ex-Items

    1.7Million Gold

    95% Winning Rate

    250+ Average Damage

    With secret avatars such as plumpy, unicorn and more.

    Post offers here.

    *NEW: If the account is a high level, i will give you an extra 300k gold in items and a few prepaid cards!*

    woahhhh what kind of account u need?

    if i exchange it with u we will do this via a moderator of forum that have those 2 games so he can test first the 2 accounts...

    is there any cash left?

    are u a V.I.P.?

    how many GP?

    A good account with a good level and some gold.

    There is no cash left but if it is a level 60 wow account ill add some cash in it.

    Its a VIP account

    240k+ GP

    Its really not hard at all to get lvl 60 in WoW, I had two on my account and I wouldn't even have considered myself a "hardcore" player. Besides that game is wack unless you want to spend 3-4 hours at a time playing to accomplish anything. You're better off just Ebaying your GB account or just saving it and starting a WoW account. Also check Ebay for WoW accounts, I sold mine on there


    Thanks and Ill look =)
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