T>godly Gb/rs Acc For Survival Project Items. Click For More Info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    I Have level 81 Runescape account with all skills lv 60+, prayer at 54. Not much stuff in apart from full rune, full dragonhide archer set, and one of 10 haloween masks left in the game worth currently 50mil+ gp.

    I also have Gunbound Silver Double Battle axe with 85% win rate and 420 avg dmg. Has around 400k gold and 11k cash to spend, and all avatars in it are unlimited. There are around 35 avatars including the rare orbiting moon and teddy bear set which was obtained in 2001.

    The gunz acc is a godly level of 46, my acc being one of the only few above 46. It has all the weaponry & armour u need, and im trading each of these accs for survival project lv 9 items/ elementals and ALSO USD... at least $100 each acc depending on which one u choose

    I am trading one of these accounts for level 9 items in Survival Project.

    Add me on msn and we can discuss: ***************************************************** or aim: wynter20xx

    Eh got aim? ill trade a lvl 9 fire magic/ lvl 9 fire staff for the gb acc

    is that gb account for gbwc or gbna?

    gbwc.. xxdonniexx12 my aim is wynter20xx add me and we talk there.
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