the best cash avater

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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    what is the best cash avater right now?

    Stats wise: Chief hair, Neo Obs, Snail cannon and Blue phoenix i believe..

    Looks wise: What ever you find cool looking i guess..

    what is Neo Obs i can't find it in the avater shop...what is it

    best ava i think

    chief hair observadot body phoenix and zeus...

    Instead of just posting the best possible avatars for gold, cash, or whatever your looking for I just found a ***************************************************** to show everything. On the bottom it shows the "uber sets" and those are the best possible life/def/attk avatar sets.

    P.S. I am not possitive, but I do believe some of the total amounts to be wrong (gold and cash totals).
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