S>Ijji Silver Battle Axe Acount GODLY!

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    hello i am selling my silver battle axe account. comes with id and pw can't change pw because the email i used for it no longer works. it will not be played on besides you. accepting paypal only. email me at ***************************************************** or aim imkenyornot so we can discuss a price. here are some pictures of the avatar that it has on it. i will wait till the payment is clear until i send you the info. HAS TONS OF AVATAR!







    vietkillaz123 added 24 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

    Originally Posted by vietkillaz123

    comes with id and pw can't change pw because the email i used for it no longer works

    opp nvm about that. u can change the email when you buy the account. and change the pw etc

    What you looking for the acc?
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