Looking for a decent Gunbound Revolution Gold battleaxe + Or a wand. Must be total rank of Gold Baxe+. Have a nice amount of gold. Rare Avi's/Alot of Avi's. 70%+ Win rate. I'm offering 4 Ijji Soldier front accounts. 3 Captains. 1 1st Lieutinant. All have a nice amount of SP on them. 1 Gold Captain. 2 Red Captains. 1 Brown 1st Lieutinant. Gold and Brown accounts have 1.6Kd. Brown 1.6kd and 6% Accuracy,PSG,M4 and like 12k SP Past clans was Bodies, Atlantic. Gold 2.2KD, 3% Accuracy, SRG, PSG,around 10k sp Red accounts have SRG. one has AK and PSG. and 5k or so SP.[almost recharged] other has M4 and 3k sp. [3/4 sp recharge] xfire/pm. xfire= trackspider