I have two ijji game accounts today one of them is Gunbound and the other is Drift City. The Gunbound one has over 91K on it and I've been training that account for around 3 years now. So its a good account. I have all the secret answers, so don't worry, you can change the password and email. Here is a pic of it. AND BTW THERE IS A NEW RANKING SYSTEM IN GUNBOUND!!!! MY ACCOUNT IS A SILVER DOUBLE SIDED AXE + IGNORE THE RANKING IN THIS PICTURE, IT IS FALSE!! I HAVE RANKED UP 3 MORE TIMES SINCE I TOOK THIS SCREESHOT. GO here ***************************************************** MY LEVEL IS A SILVER DOUBLE SIDED AXE +, NOT A METAL DOUBLE ***************************************************** This picture shows my avatar and the inventory. AGAIN, I HAVE RANKED UP 3 MORE TIMES SINCE I TOOK THIS SCREENSHOT, SO MY LEVEL IS HIGHER THAN IT REALLY IS. My avatar has some clothes, so it looks pimp. xD Now for the Drift City account. The account is level 14 and the car is a MMT1. I got the car through a coupon, so you can't just buy it at the shop. This is a pic of my OMD license. I only want serious buyers. I will take the highest price. PM me or add me on MSN *****************************************************