Selling/Trading GBWC Gold

Discussion in 'Gunbound Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I'm selling GBWC Gold! i have lots of gold (legit)! just pm me or post on this thread if you are interested! 1 million gold is equivalent to $2.

    Currently, I'm in need of a working # on this game --> RAN Online PH

    (gold #, level #, item dupe, etc..)

    If you have or you know a site wherein i can download the said hacks above, please do inform me! I am willing to trade my GBWC gold for RAN Online PH hacks. Just tell me how much GBWC gold you want for it!

    Thank you pals!

    Hey, i'm interested, i pmed you my MSN.

    Please leave atleast Contact Info & Screenshots

    Buying Some Gold !
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