Looking to trade my level 70 WoW account for a Shaiya HM enabled, or Guild wars account. Ok now a little information on the level 70: Race: human Class: Paladin Name change up? Yes Server Transfer up? Yes Current Server: Cenarius Current Spec: Holy Account Active? No Professions: Enchanting: 375 Herbalism: 375 Cooking: 375 First Aid: 375 Fishing: 157 I did a lot of pvp with him, he has 3-4 pieces of S4 including the S4 chest. As for his PVE gear he is T4 or better for all talent trees (holy, prot, ret) as mentioned he is currently holy spec with 2k+ healing, I had more healing then the priests did when raiding BT. As stated on imba character auditor most of my characters gear upgrades will come from SSC or TK, and with his holy build and gear will perform well in BT and HYJ. This is a very good account and a lot of time and work put into it. I am looking for a Shaiya (HM enabled) or GW account, I will be leaving for the navy in a couple months and don