Hey everyone, I'm hoping to sell this account that I no longer play.. not played on it for a few years so most of the stuff may be crap, however if you like it then feel free to drop a message. I'm not expecting much money, so feel free to offer. The links provide better gear details and inventory stuff. Penya: 1.5b.. this account is before the inflation. ***************************************************** BLADE Stats (equips off) STR: 182 STA: 30 DEX: 33 INT: 15 Fashion: none 2 vigor +10 2 demol +12 champ gore neck +7 no pets, no flying gear ***************************************************** BILLPOSTER Stats (equips off) STR: 60 STA: 90 DEX: 15 INT: 15 Fashion: Chi Gloves (F) Foraim Mask (DEX +1) No pets,no flying gear generic armour (lavanda, shurain +3 helm) Gore Necklace +3 ***************************************************** PSYKEEPER Stats (equips off) STR: 15 STA: 62 DEX: 15 INT: 88 Fashion: Decorative black ribbon (Speed +5%) +3 generic gear.. No pets Gore neck +4 Int ring +3 Thanks for looking! P.S Paypal preferred! Skype name? It should be spaceman-hayley