Over 100b in penya, also FM, seraph and slayer account, LYKAN

Discussion in 'FlyFF Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I am selling the following Through PAYPAL only

    1089 perins

    LCA +8/20 water 11 ICD, 7/7 All Fire A's ,all PVP socketing

    Lca +1/15 13 adoch 6/6 all Fire A's

    Champion set +18/16/9/16/18

    FM full sta lvl 137

    Slayer lvl 140 full sta

    Seraph 130 full int

    Contact me on msn please *****************************************************

    how active is lykan,, if i dont get any sellers from tanuki, i might go there...

    Bump for me :D

    Lykan is as populated/active as basically Tanuki.

    Bump my tread

    Hello, i'm interested in the Champ set + perins, how much would the champs set go for? And perins, how much each?

    Originally Posted by misterdisser

    Hello, i'm interested in the Champ set + perins, how much would the champs set go for? And perins, how much each?

    My champion set was sold already :( all i got now are lots and lot of perins :c for 1.2 each

    Sorry, just bought perins so im not inneed of them anymore, thanks anyways

    Someone buy my stoof :C

    Someone buy all my stuffs plox :D
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