Lvl 76 BP w/ RARE ITEMS!!! 500M PeNya LYKAN

Discussion in 'FlyFF Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/9/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Hello ! I am selling my flyff account , im starting a new game and was hoping i could make some money back after spending so much on gpotato !

    I cant screen shot the game for some odd reason. i dont have a capture folder ?? and im also running windows xp on my macbook. so i took the photos with my phone

    Heres a breakdown


    Server: Lykan

    Acc: mistadubman1102 lvl 76BP

    STR - 147

    STA - 28

    DEX - 17

    INT - 18


    Gray Wings of Divine Prophet

    Madrigal Guardian (M) Blue




    Glasses - MP+50HP+50

    European Union Flag Cloak - Speed +10%HP+100

    Baby Monkey

    Riding Cloud (Sky Blue)


    Cloak of Dragon +320 ATK

    Historic Knuckle +8

    Historic Stick +1

    Icicle Shield +4 - Dex +10

    FULL Phasleb suit +4

    Power Scroll


    Jewerly - 2x Demol Earrings +12 Additional DMG +105

    Vigor Ring +9 STR+10

    Gore Neck +5

    Penya: 504,230,687

    Theres also a level 34 mage on this same account. I have tons of quest items, event items, scrolls, and rare pick ups i just havn't had the chance to sell yet so yeah theyre yours as well. first come first serve im selling all of this for $150 . willing to negotiate through email or Skype. i know the account characters isnt a high level but the items are worth a lot ..

    My skype is : frankietodd

    cool ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    ?.... ............
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