hello evryone im selling nice insanity gear i got lots of gear i wont post evrything but you can always contact me for all the details i got 2 pro awakend chars Yoyo yester and Ringmaster the yoyo yester got 2 sets hp and attack pets and evrything here is a few of the insane items hp set for yoyo yester trinium helm: +32 sta +27 sta +27 sta suit: with hp cards 12% awake +12% hp +30 sta +30 sta gloves: +12% hp +10% hp +27 sta boots:+19 sta +30 sta +30 sta attack set for Yoyo yester trinium helm : str+27 inc attack +13 str +30 suit : inc attack cards 12% awake +32 str +27 str +12% inc attack gloves: +10% attack +12% attack +27 str boots : +9% attack +13% attack +32 str mega pet tiger: awake: 10% atack 10% attack 12% attack leo jewel set: neck: +32 str +30 str +12% attack ring:+12% attack +8% attack +10% attack ring:+30str +30 str +28 str earring:+12% attack +30 str +28 str earring:+10% attack +8% attack +9% attack all the stuff is max upgraded if you play insanity you know what the upgrade levels are weapons +20 armor +10 all with runes and evrything its the best Yoyo set on the server and alot of other stuff you can always contact me on skype Felipe.goners for payment i only accept paypal, seeing i got scammed 2 times now by trusting people and giving items in advance before payment when they just runned away and logged of without paying , i will not be the first one to give items. either you accept that you pay first and then receive items or not you can also ask a middleman or anything i dont mind. or if you prefer trading like small amounts 50 euro per 50 euro or anything im fine with evrything. but i will not give items first cuzz i dont wanna be scammed 3x hope you guys understand. one last thing, please no noob offers like 300 euros for all cuzz thats insane since i payed over 10000 euros on Ipoints :p feel free to add me on skype Greetz. i recommend you to put your items on ***************************************************** this will make it so you cant get scammed, i did over 500 transactions on the site and i never got scammed. you mean like decide a price and then put it on playerup? add me in skype tony.montana7123 ill pay good ! Originally Posted by tamir71 add me in skype tony.montana7123 ill pay good ! Careful, this guy is a scammer.