Sold Selling Selling 8 Year lotro account

Discussion in 'LOTRO Lords of the Rings Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Volcun94, 5/5/17.

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  1. Volcun94

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    Selling 8 year lotro account main is burg, very well geared for pvp, has 79 trait points. rank 8, decent geared rk 105 rank 10, and other toons such as champ 105, hunter 105 rank 8, Lm 100 rank 7, Gaurdian 105. has creeps as well rank 6 warg with the some good maps, defiler rank 6. champ is guilded weaponsmith, hunter is guilded woodworker, Lm scholar. looking for about 200 no lower. pm me here or email me at [email protected]. can provide screenshots.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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