Limit broken units: OS asuna lvl 100 OS kirito lvl 100 OS sinon lvl 100 alice v1 lvl 100 eugio v1 lvl 90 Idol yui lvl 100 princess asuna lvl 90 maid rain lvl 100 Ninja yuuki lvl 100 ninja asuna lvl 85 idol silica lvl 85 SD leafa lvl 85 other notable 4* sailor philea Maid yuuki maid asuna princess yuuki princess sinon Eugio v2 os Liz ninja silica And a few others Weapons : r5 courage r5 heroic promise r5 edge of repent r5 advancer And many other 4*s 150+ hacking crystals available. if you have any questions or concerns or is interested in this account, please reply here or pm me in line chat. Line id: blitzex line is preferred.