Sold Selling TIDEWATER - 69 occultist 130k gear 2m gold very advanced crafting + alts

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by CandyFire, 5/4/17.

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  1. CandyFire

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    The account contains the following:

    - lvl 69 occultist with almost 130k gear score, yellow quality wings, gold indulgence costume and one of the highest crafting levels of all the server. Premium with all scrolls activated. Soul grid full with lvl 4 crystals

    - 4 other alt characters, all with high progression in crafting skills, there is a spiritshaper lvl 60+ a swordmage lvl 59, a gunner and a blademaster 50+. Basic premium activated on all characters (for crafting)

    - around 2 million coins and potential to make a LOT of money through the crafting professions levelled in the alt characters, all of them with several hidden recepies (for example charcoal unlocked on 3 characters)

    - demonslayer tiers increased in 2 alts, one of them level 5 (can buy hematite 2), another tier 4 and the main tier 7

    The account had its email changed to a clean one so I can deliver full access to the account and its email inmediately after purchase.
    If you wish to contact me I have skype/discord so just send me your username in a pm and I'll add you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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