Selling My Account has sold. How do I transfer my account to its new owner?

Discussion in 'Star Wars Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by REDD999, 5/2/17.

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  1. REDD999

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    Please help,

    I play via iOS and also Facebook. Gameroom on my Windows desktop.

    I'm not sure how to transfer control to the new owner without deleting any data.

    We have already created a fake Facebook. account, but where do I go from here?

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  2. OP

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    Well in case anyone else needs help, here is the solution I found:

    To whom might need, at your own risk, from the support chat:

    How to disconnect a Facebook. account off an active a account.

    1. First create a new fake Facebook. you would like the new account to be on. So you will need to create a new email as well unless u have 2 emails.
    2. Since game is linked with both Facebook. and Game Center make sure when u login in game that you click on settings and disconnect from Facebook..
    3. Delete game from device, but keep data in Game Center.
    4. Sign out of Game Center which can be done by going to settings. Game Center and then click on id and it will ask u to sign out.
    5. Reinstall the game next and make sure Gamecenter is still off.
    6. Go thru the the tutorial and create a new account.
    7. Next in game hit the settings button and hit login via Facebook.. Now go ahead and login with the Facebook. account that is attached to your good account.
    8. Next it will say there is an existing account already assigned to this Facebook.. You can load or overwrite the the old one.
    9. Click load new game. It will ask you are you sure and you click yes CONNECT NEW GAME.
    10. You have now sucessfully disconnected your good account from your Facebook..

    Now to connect the good account with the fake Facebook..

    11. Now delete the game of your device.
    12. Login back to your Game Center.
    13. Reinstall game to device.
    14. Your account should load up thru Game Center.
    15. Click settings once back up and login via Facebook..
    16. Login in with fake Facebook. credentials. Or the Facebook. you want your game to be attached to.
    17. Now you should be all set.
    18. To test this you can delete game again and turn Game Center off. Reinstall game and go thru tutorial and once it says select side at the bottom it will say login via Facebook.. You are now ready to transfer your account.
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