Sold Buying WTB EU Account with good gear

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TheXxy, 5/3/17.

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  1. TheXxy

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    Hey guys, I want to buy a account.
    I would prefer musa/sorc account but other classes should be ok too, I hope for good eq and I hope for some contribution points to set some things up.
    The better your gear is the more im alright with spending more!
    The server must be Eu!

    I would spend up to 100€ depending on what you offer, so if you think your account is much more worth dont bother to post it to me, if your account is not close to 100€ worth tell me how much you want for it.

    I prefer recommender seller, but new one are ok too, but you will have to give the informations first then, or we can use a middle man, if you have high recommandations I am ok with paying first.

    Skype: king-xyxyx
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