Sold Selling NA - 57 Witch 187/181/240 (Hybrid Tank)

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Carwyn, 5/3/17.

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  1. Carwyn

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    Level 57 Witch:
    187 AP/181 Awakened AP/234 DP (+30 hidden AP)
    240 energy/214 contribution
    All skill point quests are completed except for a couple in the desert.

    115 million liquid silver
    1.66 billion total marketplace asset value
    21 hard black crystal shards, black spirit crystal, and a spare +10% combat experience crystal.
    Storage pictures

    Tri: Liverto staff
    Tri: Ultimate alloria aad sphera
    Tri: Ultimate steel dagger
    Duo: Full ultimate grunil set
    Duo: Extra ultimate grunil helmet for leveling with two 10% combat exp crystals
    Dou: Ancient Guardian's Seal
    Duo: Ancient Weapon Core
    2x Tri: Red coral ring
    Duo: Blue coral earring
    Tungrad earring
    Dandelion Weapon Box
    Nouver Weapon Box

    Equipment picture

    37 workers:
    20 skilled (most have promotions available)
    10 professional
    7 artisan
    20 most profitable nodes in the game being worked.

    Life skills:
    Breath: 29
    Strength: 19
    Health: 24
    Gathering: Artisan 1
    Processing: Artisan 4
    Cooking: Professional 6
    Alchemy: Professional 7
    +2 gatherer's clothes, processing clothes, alchemist's clothes, cooking clothes, and trading clothes.
    Character sheet

    30 day value pack
    Silk corset underwear
    Labreve weapon and armor costume set (awakened premium costume)
    4700 loyalties

    +3 luck from titles
    11 pieces of Jarette's accesory set for potential boss alts
    x2 seven day Kamasylve buffs
    [Event] Sealed book of combat (7d)
    11 +50% combat exp scrolls
    T6 horse with drift, instant accel, sprint, sideways move, start accel (all maxed), and a +9 light iron horseshoe.
    +14 reblath shoes and +14 reblath gloves.
    Character screenshots

    This account is set up to generate large amounts of passive income. Purchase includes a detailed guide for how to earn silver and manage workers, materials, and crafting. The guide also includes a bunch of helpful links to locate nodes, gather items, manage houses, a failstack chart, etc.. I will always be available in the future to answer any questions that you may have.

    The offer comes with the email associated with the account, which has only been used for Black Desert. An email change is also possible.

    Asking price: $500
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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