Hello I don't have time to play this game anymore so I want to sell my account. On my account I have: Episodes: 1. Fight For the Light. 2. Lightning Strikes. 3. Battle for Earth. 4. The Last Laugh. 5. Hand of Fate. 6. Home Turf. 7. Origin Crisis. I have 5 characters 30lvl: Quantum: CR- 88 SP- 84, Electricity: CR- 63 SP- 78, Gadgets: CR- 28 SP- 27, Earth: CR- 31 SP- 40, Ice: CR- 32 SP- 41. Main character is Quantum controller with Dark Blue Aura, 148 base items. Currency on quantum controller: Mark of Victory - 33 Mark of Valor - 711 Mark of Legend - 25 Price $30 contact me through: Email [email protected] Only Paypal