Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ulagafromeu, 5/3/17.

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  1. ulagafromeu

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    I've some accounts to sell :

    One West, and three EU.

    Unfortunately I cannot post links :/ forum doesn't let me. Anyway

    83 level, 316 titles Fiona on WEST, with three hairstyles, 2 innners, 4 tattooes, 3 fusion runes, 2 enchant runes and 7m in stash.

    EUROPE - 1st account
    Delia - 90 level with 300 titles, full two avatar sets dyed, 3 tattooes, 2 makeups, one permanent inner, and one permanent hairstyle coupon. maxed AP and 19k att
    Fiona - 90 level with 300 titles, one wing avatar part, one tattoo, 15 days of vvip, 3 premium enhancement runes, 12 handy usages of mini npc parrot, +12 gear protection rune, vip 4 days, reneselian's wings x 3 - 21 days, one permanent makeup. 13k def, 21k att AP MAXED
    Kai - 90 level with 200 titles 10k def, 19k att AP MAXED
    Evie - 90 level with 200 titles, 19k att, 8k def 3/4 ap maxed
    Vella - 86 level with 200 titles, 16,8k att, 7,5 k def 1/4 ap maxed

    EUROPE - 2nd account
    Arisha - 82 level with 194 titles, 2 premium enhancement runes, +12 protection rune, 2 reneslian's wings x 2 - 14 days. 17.6k att, 9 k def
    Sylas - 76 level with 186 titles, 14,2k att, 4k def, 8 unbind potions. fusion rune, unstable enchant rune

    EUROPE - 3rd account
    Hurk - 82 level with 276 titles, 2 premium enhancement runes, +12 protection rune, 2 reneslian's wings x2 - 14 days, fusion rune, enchant rune. 19k att, 10k def

    Karok - 75 level with 250 titles, 15k att, def 6k

    pm me here, for character screenshots and if u r interested +call
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