SElling a second reborn Tro>war>tro lvl 130>130>130 male/small body, Comes with full info and full free gears (armor weapons fan necky boots ring coro tower )>.> (practically naked) with praying stones exp pots etc.. has 10.5k hp without gears he has lvl 14 blade lvl 16 sword and lvl 15 club all the dances fire thunder and cure bless lvl 1 nix and all other weapon skills fixed (ie speedgun halt snow etc) has night devil ,reflect and is lvl 130 at 30% looking for paypal offers.. msg me to see screenshots I'll throw in some money for you to get started and i got gears also which will be sold separate. youl added 1362 Minutes and 13 Seconds later...< --- Please use the edit button in the future--- > Bump!@!!! Bump bump bump youl added 1364 Minutes and 50 Seconds later...< --- Please use the edit button in the future--- > Bumppppppppppppppp again Whats server is it on?