I have been playing for quite a while and have something around 140 days consecutive logged in. I've grown tired of the game and want to pass my save file on. Lots of great spike teams possible on the account with gods such as Horus, Kirin, Pandora, Goemon, Perseus, Genbu, etc. In addition tons of other great gods such as SoL Lucifer, Freya, Hera-Is, I & I, Karin, Heracles, Ceres, Izanagi, Izanami, Zeus, Thor, AA Metatron, Amaterasu, Athena, Minerva, Satan, B/W Hades, B/B Hades, as well as other great monsters like max skilled Echidna, Gigas, CuChu, Siegfried, Valk, Green Odin, Robin, Batman, Green Fruit Dragon, Beezlebub, green and black toy dragons, etc etc. There are tons of subs here to make any sort of team you would want - a high skill physical or God Kirin team, a very bursty Horus team with multiple skilled gravities, mono dark or mono green with Pandora and Perseus, monored with Freyr or Goemon, grind monoblack with SoL Lucifer, etc, tons of possibilities. I can either device transfer (android) or swap devices to iOS if necessary. Payment will be completed via Paypal gift. If you are interested post here or PM me. Bump. First decent offer takes it. 200$ obo Bump Bump will sell for 150. Im interestd. Check yur msgs. I sent you a msg. Bttt I'll pay 220 email me at Ryleybosch@gmail /* */ bump Clear your pm inbox - - - Updated - - - Email Ryleybosch@gmail /* */ Account sold to ryley, quick easy transaction.