Diablo 3 with reaper of souls. All classes are at max level. Wizard, barbarian, monk, witch doctor, demon hunter, crusader. Witch doctor is fully geared and can solo T8. Paragon level is 300. I have the kanai cube, all the legendary gems, stash is full of legendary and set pieces. Hearthstone account has 80% of the classic cards. WoW expansions included: burning crusade, lich king, cataclysm, mists of pandaria, warlords of draenor. Level 90 protection paladin Level 90 subtly rogue Level 90 blood death knight Level 85 beast master hunter Full PVP gear. Full heirloom gear. I have all of the guild heirlooms. I have the dread pirate heirloom ring. Skinning mining and herbalism max or close to max. Hunter has most of the rare pets such as skoll, king krush, and loque. 15 mounts. Guesstimating between 50-80K in gold and mats. My paladin and death knight can solo older raids easily. With the new WoW token system you can buy game time or any digital items on battlenet. So basically you can buy overwatch and future blizzard games with this WoW account.