Sold Wts s8 vip10 3m+ might HS♠Magnitudo

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ste8110, 4/30/17.

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  1. ste8110

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    Wts my char cause cant manage again, no time...i Think all know, but vip10 3m+ might no 1k air might, 4 season Mark other Runes 36, full q36 ref 15 (boots a part) all pets with s skill, all special grand' attributes, annihilator tier 6 full equipped, demi fulled, marshall 10,so if u are intrested i show u all.Only serious offer if u contact me for 500 u can stay away eheh. Line id:bl-magnitudo. I cant explain all here, if u want contact me i show u all stars 3x77
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