Sold Selling Selling 6 character account EUPS 245 SP Max CR

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ishy97, 4/29/17.

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  1. Ishy97

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    Hi Everyone,

    I don't play DCUO anymore so i am selling my account with 6 characters.
    1: Villain: Ice Dps/tank with 245 sp max CR (omni gears) and 100Pvp gear with so many auras and SM items and more.
    2: Villain: Celestial Dps/heal similar to above
    3: Villain: Mental Dps/Troll similar to above
    4: Hero: Munitions Dps similar to above
    5: Hero: Gadgets Dps similar to above
    6: Hero: Ice Dps similar to above

    Ask for more details if needed. Price is #. message or email me at [email protected] for other details and price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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