Selling Selling All Battle.Net Games!

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mhall2694, 4/29/17.

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  1. Mhall2694

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    All games available! I have 330$ USD on my Battle.Net account due to legally selling my gold to Blizzard on World of Warcraft.

    I am able to sell you ALL blizzard games (Overwatch Origins/Regular, Diablo 2, 3, all expansions, SC2 all expansions, World of warcraft all expansions and more!!)

    Message me if you are interested, I am willing to sell it at a # price than blizzard prices obviously lol (better to save some than none)

    Some reasons to trust me is that I have over 10+ year account on with literally EVERY single game/expansion with real name/ID on my account.

    To provide some more assurances, please be prepared to skype video call with a mic and provide photo ID of your drivers license or something so we can always keep in contact and feel safe with trading with eachother.

    I'm a legit person who just wants to sell some of his BNET credit off for real money that I made off World of Warcraft :D also if you play any bnet games, I still play overwatch and world of warcraft and diablo 3
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