Sold Selling End game lvl 80 account, almost all heroes and sbw! easy manacar/fos! 5% Colo

Discussion in 'Crusaders Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dotoezlife, 4/28/17.

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  1. dotoezlife

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    I am selling my account

    6stars heroes:

    3-5stars heroes:

    Some notable heroes sbw obtions:

    Remi and Kurenai are Lvl7 and Franz is lvl5

    KOF Heroes:
    Billy Kane
    Kyo Kusanagi
    Kim Kaphwan
    Terry Bogard
    Mai Shiranui
    Leona Heidern
    Athena Asamiya

    Missing contract heroes:
    Warriors: None
    Paladin: V
    Archer: None
    Hunter: Tia, Sentinel R, Lorelei, AG-02-03
    Mage: Lupeow
    Priest: None

    Missing SBWs:
    Warriors: Leonel
    Paladin: Kriemhild
    Archer: Niven, R-0
    Hunter:Wilhelm, Tia, AG01-03
    Mage: Archon, Necron, Cano
    Priest: Stein

    PM me your price or if you want to know more.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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