Sold Selling Wts male kyoc yang jianghu meridian (taoist, sunset, blood blade 75)

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wantobuy, 4/27/17.

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  1. wantobuy

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    RG left faction under Disguise, currently in Mount Hua, 200k Rep.

    Jianghu Inner:

    Taoist: 75/75
    Sunset: 75/75
    Blood Blade Manual: 75/75
    Ice Heart Code 35/64
    Purple Rosy 1/64

    School inner:
    Blood Blade Heart: 45/54
    RG 6th 36/36
    Mount Hua 2nd inner: 28/47

    Gear:All gears are jade. 2 rings and 1 chef blade are C7, the rest are all C6

    2 set Yang Hard Jade Gear ( Daily Life & Battlefield)
    20% Bloody Edge battlefield blade
    20% Shadow leaves Blade
    Jade C7 Chef Blade
    Chef Twin Sword
    BS dagger
    Battlefied BS Yuyang Twin Blade
    Chef Sword
    Chef Staff
    Chef Quarterstaff
    Warrior Spirit Red Armor Token
    30% ATC Rage glove
    30% Perishable Bonus Glove
    3 sets of treasures
    5x internal crit damage and rate with Blood Killing Knife Skills.
    5x ext crit damage and rate
    5x crit damagae reduced

    Skill sets:
    Taichi 10 rage
    Blood Sea Demon: Forsake the Gods3/3 Dropping the Butcher's Blade3/3
    Dog Beating Staff Rage 10, Charge10, rest 6.
    Dragon Claw Parry 3
    Finger Shifting Stars level 3
    Blood Killing Knife (Main set) charging, break, rage, parry, all 10. rope skills 8
    Cash Shop Sets: YYTB(all 10), Buddha Palm(10&11) , Curled Branch Sword(10) Sura blade(10), etc.... pretty much all cash set but 9P.

    All school meridian 180, emei reverse 180/180, RG 216 reverse 144/180, Scholars revers 72/72( have enough rep to redeem the school inner to level up the meridian to 180)

    454 barehand, 454 Blade, 454 quarterstaff,244 sword,194 dagger, 194 twin blade, 38 twin sword, 194 twin stings,130 Staff, 244 stick, 194 hidden weapon.

    Plenty Lores Weapon / Armor
    Black Horse lore
    Many Clothes lore
    All 3* weapons lore for long staff, quarter staffs, sword, blade, double dagger.

    Many good stuffs in account can sell up to 3-5D

    Busy with school and work so i decided to sell the account. Contact and offer me via email [email protected] or skype: kotexdammau
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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