Trading Dragonfable account 37

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Accounts | Buy AQ Account' started by Facebook, 7/6/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    Dragonfable account level 37 with 177k gold against

    a Warrock, Rose online, Archlord or Shaiya user!!


    my email *****************************************************

    and add me to the post also! i'm trading an acc with 3 lvl's 40-45 with 1mill-1.5mil in ea file, nvr bougght a wep, only when i really needed one!

    Why the hell are you bumping old threads. can't you see their old.

    I can sell you a Dragonfable account. For $14/28. $14=level 50 DFDA.

    $28=6 DF DA's

    Up to you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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