Selling level 75 account for any Lieutenant in Soldier Front! [USF]

Discussion in 'Adventure Quest Accounts | Buy AQ Account' started by Facebook, 7/6/14.

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    Hello... I have currently a level 75 adventure quest account (Sorry not a Guardian) with at least 10,000 gold + and 100 + coins.

    If you trade this account.. I will give you a # that will make you a Temporary Guardian... You've probably heard this # before, its called AQElite...

    I am willing to trade my AQ account for a rank Lieutenant+ in Soldier front, [USF]

    Temporary guardian is useless, and Aqelite doesn't work anymore. No point trading a proper SF account for a low level AQ account...

    Well said Jm169, I love how you're always precise and what you say has value :D

    How's the account selling going, Times have been tough. Managed to sell one, that buyer said he'll buy another account soon.

    I'm just trying to get rid of them I gain more accounts than I can sell. How ironic, I sold an account and then i acquire another one :( :P

    If you have been following my thread, I'm just left with a 116 x-guardian that isn't selling. Doesn't really matter to me though, since I can take my time selling him off. It's just that I'm too busy to train him already, tired of playing AQ :P I think it's better for you to stop buying accounts since it will be harder to get rid of them now, considering that trainers don't work any longer.

    What you suggesting, I'm a sodding cheat who's used trainers to buy my way there.

    I find that rude to be frank, and I don't buy accounts. I generally get them in trades.

    Lol, Frankly ( again with my franks) I haven't been following your thread. lol

    No no, that's not my point. I'm trying to put across to you that people who buy AQ accounts are normally those that use trainers, since sales of AQ accounts are suddenly on the downfall the moment the trainers are useless. The 'people' I'm referring to is obviously not you, considering you're SELLING accounts instead of BUYING them. Well, read closely to get my idea, don't jump into conclusions.

    Sorry then, JM169 you can understand my assumption.

    As that would increase sales would it not? Because then people would be in more need for a higher level account, as people couldn't just # their way to the top levels.

    You can understand how I came onto that conclusion upon that, as in my view it should increase sales. I've recently received two offers to buy accounts. lol

    Perhaps I didn't make my point clear enough, sorry about that. Anyway good luck selling the accounts you have. :)
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