Sold PVP Vega conflict account for sale - Base Level 47

Discussion in 'VEGA Conflict Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ionut_oo7, 4/25/17.

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  1. Ionut_oo7

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    Base: Lvl 47
    200 medals
    7000 Coins
    Commerce module 8 lvl (17 coins/day)
    Fleet bay 13 lvl
    Bridga lvl 7

    All Vega BP
    All VSec BP
    All Event SHIPS
    All Event PRIZES
    Lots of CW and Alien PRIZES
    Lots of already crafted items in inventory
    Lots of cores, patterns and crafring matterials

    Prebuild and equiped ships:
    Javelin Flagship
    Punisher Cruiser x5
    Dominion Carrier x1
    Basilisk Cutter x4
    Hellfire Battleship z4
    Ragnorok Carrier x1
    Freyja Carrer x1
    Pyton Cutter x6 (5x mk2)
    Vigilante Battleship x2 (2x mk3)
    Komodo Cutter x2 (1x mk4)
    Zeal Battleship x5 (2x mk5, 3x mk4)
    Dread Battleship x6 (1x mk5, 4x mk4)
    Lancer Destroyer x8 (2x mk5)
    Apocrypha Cruiser x6 (2x mk4, 1x mk3)
    Midgar Carrier x1
    Taipan Cutter x14 (4x mk4, 7x mk3, 3x mk2)
    Fury Battleship x1 (1x mk2)
    Venom Battleship x20 (20x mk3)
    Revelation Cruiser x6 (5x mk4, 1x mk3)
    plus 3 cargo fleets and lots of small ships

    1. Huls
    Decimator Cutter
    Anihilator Battleship
    Punisher Cruiser
    Dominion Carrier
    Basilisk Cutter
    Hellfire Battleship
    Democles Destroyer
    Covenant Cruiser
    Tornado Frigate
    Freyja Carrier
    Pyton Cutter
    Vigilante Battleship
    Heretic Cruiser
    Komodo Cutter
    Lance Destroyer
    Corinthian Cruiser
    Eagle Fregate
    Ragnorok Carrier
    Gharial Cutter
    Dread Battleship
    Apocrypha Cruiser
    Valhalla Carrier
    Taipan Cutter
    Destiny Cruieser
    Midgar Carrier

    Xeno Ruprure Beam 1 (284 dps)
    Rupturea beam 1,2,3
    Desintegrator Cannon 1,2,3 (90 dps)
    Nova Ray 1,2,3 (90 dps)
    Manifold Millse (61 dps)
    Fisure Torpedo 1,2,3
    Mercury Beam 1,2,3
    Archer Beam 1,2
    Reverb Ray 1,2,3
    Storm Driver 1
    Tempest Driver 1,2,3
    Spectre Squadron 1,2,3 (175 dps)
    Cluster Missle 1
    Storm Driver Turret 1,2,3
    Brimstone Torpedo Turret 1,2,3
    Aurora Ray 1,2,3
    Burst Ray (109 dps)
    Impulse Beam (70 dps)
    Arestor Beam 1,2,3
    Eco Ray1,2,3
    Gatling Ray 1,2,3
    Gemini Driver 1,2
    Wave Driver 1,2
    Ap Driver 1,2,3
    Arc Missle 1,2,3
    Vector Torpedo 1,2,3
    Net Torpedo 1,2,3
    Sico Missle 1,2,3
    Impulse beam Turret 3
    Arrestor Beam Turret 1,2,3
    Eco Ray Turret 1,2,3
    Gatling Ray Turret 2,3
    Wave Driver Turret 1,3
    Ap Driver Turret 1,2,3
    Arc Missle turret 3
    Net Torpedo Turret 1,2
    Vector Torpedo Turret 1,3
    Sico Missle Turret 1,2,3
    Sige Driver 1,2,3
    Gladius Driver 1,2
    Interceptor Squadron 1
    Creeper Torpedo 1,2,3
    Hydra Missle 1,2,3
    Boomer Squadron 1,2,3Tachyon Beam Turret 1,2
    Gladius Driver Turret 1,2,3
    Interceptor Wing 1,2,3
    Creeper Torpedo Turret 1,2,3
    Boomer Wing 1,2,3

    ENAL HeavyTalonite Armor 1,2
    Talonite Armor 1,2,3
    Skirmish Armor 1,2,3
    Capacitive Plates 1,2

    Metaphase Shield 1,2,3
    Diffuser Shield 1,2,3
    Repulsor Shield 1,2,3
    Blast Shield 1,2,3
    Metaphase Field 1,2,3

    Xeno Beam Capacitator 2
    Xeno Munitions 2
    Beam Capacitator 1,2,3
    Blitz Thruster 1,3
    Elite Squadrons 1,2,3
    Targeting Computer 1,2
    Unstable Reactor 1,2,3
    Armored Thruster 1,2,3
    Electric Rails 1,2
    Overcharger Warheads 3
    Blister Rounds 1,2,3
    Reinforced Rails 1
    Volatile Fuel 1,2,3
    Ionized Optics 1,2,3
    Binary Thruster 1,3
    Fusion Thruster 1,2,3
    Armored Hold 1,2,3
    Phased Magnets 1,2,3
    Spectral Warheads 1,2,3

    Price: 250 $
    ADD me on facebook. if you want more info:
    My email:
    [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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