Hey guys looking to sell my lvl 22 acct, it has: churning envy, ahab, frigate. 20k steel cannballs, 11k bloodmoon, 15k steel harps 46 emblem of silence, 190 overload launchers, handful of assorted consumables not much of any of them though 18 12's, 6 sm W's, 1 soundbreaker, 1 furnace cannons 10 scorps, 6 lvl 3 launchers improvements are pretty garbage, not really worth mentioning battle keel and a battle bell on the envy are the best things lol seals are up to lvl 5 broadside 1 short of lvl 6 has 380 skulls stocked up perfect account for a new player just starting the game or someone looking for a account to build, im only asking 10$ which is less than you would pay for just for the ahab if you were starting fresh so think about it.