Sold WTT 11 year vet account two ethereal runes for kronos or cash HOF server

Discussion in 'EverQuest 2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ2 Account' started by steven2323, 4/24/17.

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  1. steven2323

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    All toons are on Halls of Fate server

    I want to sell my personal eq2 account. Account has one bad *** shadowknight with some of the best gear possible including two ethereal runes, one is a leach proc, the other is 100 fervor and 35% damage reduction. Epic repercussions is complete on all five of the level 100's! Characters have cool names, not stupid candy corn ones. You will love them if your into MTG. Account has all expansions and features activated. It even has grandfathered in silver membership rewards which are no longer for purchase, this allows the player to purchase from the broker or talk in chat without subscribing.

    100 sk ******
    100 necro very well geared
    100 bruiser very well geared for shiny farming
    100 fury
    100 ranger
    90 warlock
    95 sk on free trade server

    message me or text me for any questions 810 252 1033 . I'm also Chevrij on have 12 seller reviews for 100 % satisfaction.
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