Sold Selling>Lvl.69 VG 165k Gearscore, 270k Might-Server: Darkfall

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SnowD, 4/24/17.

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  1. SnowD

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    Account comes with Legendary Tier Wings, and Misha the Cat mount. More than half of the gear is at +13, Weapon, and Offhand are amazing Blueprint lvl65+ crafted gear. Gems vary between T3 and T5, and all gear has the most sockets it can have. HAS RUNED BADGE.

    Soulgrid, craft, and Character Cultivation:
    Listing is here:!130670207/

    If you want to jump on the game, and get on a strong competitive account, this is the account for you.
    Gearscore is 160k, and Might is 270k. As a Vanguard I can pull around 20-25k dps with my gear right now which is enough to be in the top3 of most raids. Has most if not all essential, and preferred dps/tanking books learned. Has 30+ arcane arts points for use. For this price you'd be saving about 1k usd, and months of playtime/time gates.

    Account is amazing, if you have any questions just msg me, and price is #.
    I have sold various accounts in multiple games, and this is probably the safest purchase you can make, if you're looking for an account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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