Selling Hobbit KOM account( 14+220 heroes, 1x 230 hero, 4 cities)

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Hi! I am level 81, i have 400+mil tk's ( top 100 tkers), 11mil might as of right now. I Have 4 cities. Part of number 1 alliance. We win almost all ally tournaments, so alot of good free items! All maps are unlocked and ready to hit! You can produce easily 2 mil might a day with ressources produced and with the use of my bookmarked filled with good farms ( 40mil+ of each resource every 2 days ). 8% permanent attack buff 12 % permanent defense buff Attacking city has 4 % attack buff at guardian. Items: Misc: 21+ Gandalf's gifts 23+radagast's gifts 37 x hobbit building crew 1 hobbit rune crafter 43 x stamina refils 47 x rune of destruction 4 x new identity 16 x naming rights 76 x championship trophies Speed up: 173 x 1 min speed ups 20 x 15 min 24 x 1 hour 23 x 2.5 hour 7 x 8 hour 17 x 15h 3 x 24h 5 x 3 day 8 x 7 day 21 x instant finish Combat: 5 mil might un-boxed troops 7 x rune of fury 3 x rune of invulnerability 72 x combat runes 53 x shield runes 14 x major combat rune 9 x major shield rune 33 x minor protection rune 3 x major protection rune a ridiculous amount of train of warrior, arches and gandalf. Cities, i have 4 cities: City 1: Troop buil city 2 x 220 hero equiped 2 x 215 hero equiped 21k T1 troops a pop, 4 hours all homes lvl 9* all barracks lvl 9+ all other building lvl 9+ City 2: Attack city 1 x 230 hero 1 x 221 hero 6 x 220 hero 2 x 215 hero all heroes fully equiped and ready for battle. Majority equiped with best set item ( Pilfred sets ) 4% guardian attack buff Produces 400k of ore and stone an hour all ressource building lvl 9+ All homes lvl 9 all barracks built, but not upgraded since no troop building in this city. city 3: Troop build city 1x 220 2 x 215 1x 213 all heroes are equiped 16k T1 a pop, 2.5 hours all homes lvl 9* all baracks lvl 9+ all other building lvl 9+ including ressource buildings Produces 800k food and 400k wood an hour City 4: troop build city 2x 220 hero 19k T1 troops in 3 hours all homes lvl 6* all barrack lvl 9+ all other buildings lvl 9+ produces 250k food an hour, but farms arent all upgraded ( all lvl 5) I take serious offers! you can imagine how much time and money went into building this kingdom and getting those stats! I wish to make one of you a very lucky and happy individual! Message me at ahmed.mekallach@gmail Edit: Feb 18, 14 5:45pm Wazaki
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