Selling Accounts - 8k / 20k/ 133k!!

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    I'm selling a few accounts, I don't ordinarily sell these (I have sold one) but sometimes you have to give up some toys. These accounts are new and un-played, you can develop whatever you want and you can move to any world you want. They come pre-loaded with mithril, that is done using software skills not using any sort of fraudulent cards or stolen money. The buyer gets the account login information, access to the e-mail account, and can be change passwords and all info to their own once they take possession. The accounts are new and have no prior purchase history. I personally play the accounts I create and have never had one banned, blocked, cancelled, etc. and the oldest one is nearly a year old now. Below are my current offers, if you need something custom let me know. 8,000 Mithril Account - $75 US 20,000 Mithril Account - $200 and my pride and joy....the MithMonster 133,000 Mithril - $600 (Note, 133,000 Mithril would cost you over $8,200 from Kabam!) Anyone interested, please feel free to e-mail me at ChrisDB@zoho Screenshots can be sent upon request, and if you have a world on which you play I can create on that world (understand this starts the bubble clock on that world) and send you a message from the account. Payment accepted is via PayPal only.
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