Lvl 87 500 million might!!! Hobbit KOM account for sale. Thorin98

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    I'm selling my Hobbit KOM account in server Thorin 98 I'm in the #1 alliance. Level 87. 500 million might and 70 million might still left to unbox. Billions of rss available. Too many details to list but here are the best selling features: 1 level 240 hero 6 level 235 heros 15 level 230 heros 9 permanent attack buff and 7 permanent defence. c1 guardian has attack buff 7% and defense 7% c4 guardian has 30% training speed My ent gear is upgraded to lvl 7 each piece! so when hero is equiped, theres 12,500 life! (instead of 5000) My city 4 can build 250,000 t1 troops in a day! Once all training q's are full, you can produce over 500,000 t1 troops per day without using speeds I have 20 million....yes, 20 million t1 troops. Thats 80 million might in just t1's!!! The inventory I have is crazy. Tonnes of speed ups ranging from 1300 bilbo speed ups to 15 infinite speed ups. Reply to this if you are interested. I can give you in depth detail about my account. Email me at impbank01@yahoo if interested and we can discuss a price. Thanks! Edit: May 20, 14 12:39pm
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