Lvl 82 Elves Account able to build T4 Unit Mithlond Guards in first City

Discussion in 'The Hobbit: Middle Earth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 7/1/14.

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    Selling Account because of lack of time.... Level 82 Elves Account 10mio Might Gained at the moment, mostly T3 Units got the latest upgrade to build T4 Unit Mithlond Guards in first City, there are not much Accounts who can do that 3 citys with 211 Heroes , 1st. City 2x 211 Heroes, 2nd City 2x 211 Heroes 3rd City 4x 211 Heroes 1x 210 Hero, 1x 201 Hero lvl 10 Buildings in every City World is Bofur26 (German) PM me when you are interested
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