Hi I am selling Vainglory account because I don't play anymore and I have to pay tuition fees -Level 30 -Win 1930 -132 Opal -28 Ice -5589 Glory -All hero unlock 31/31 hero -Skin Adagio -Dark Parade Adagio (R) -Dark Parade Adagio (E) -Dark Parade Adagio (L) -Seraphim Adagio (E) Ardan -Stormlord Ardan (R) Catherine -Paragon Catherine (R) -Paragon Catherine (E) -Paragon Catherine (L) Celeste -Star Queen Celeste (R) Glaive -Prehistoric Glaive (R) -Prehistoric Glaive (E) -Sorrowblade Glaive (E) Joule -Snow Monter Joule (SE) 350 Opal Kestrel -Syluan Kestrel (R) -Winter War Kestrel (R) Koshka -Kandi Twirl Koshka (R) -Kandi Twirl Koshka (E) -Kandi Twirl Koshka (L) Lance -Nethernight Lance (E) Lyla -School Day Lyla (R) Ozu -Wuxia Ozu Petal -Bug Petal (R) Phine -Bonecruncher Phine (R) -Bonecruncher Phine (E) -Summer Party Phine (SE) 1xx Opal Ringo -Shogun Ringo (R) Skaarf -Infinity Skaarf (R) -Infinity Skaarf (E) -Infinity Skaarf (L) Skye -Super Sonic Skye (R) -Super Sonic Skye (E) -Super Sonic Skye (L) Taka -Shiro Kage Taka (L) and Many card >>>> 2500 USD <<<< Line :: jomjikung Skype :: [email protected] Thank you for read