Hello, I'm here to sell my drift city account. Information about the account: Level: 90 EXP: 2,585,881 Character name: VroooomVrom OMD Character. Cars: RunneR V9, Runs 236 with no F4 Items shop or any parts. Cars: Fate ST V5. Cars: Mini Shark V4 Cars: Mini Aria V1 Has 81 CC and Fondo Coupon and Above Preview: ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** P.S It has full level 80 - 75 Parts, My runner goes 250 with the parts, My fate goes 232 v5 with the parts. My Aria v1 goes 212. with the parts. Not including F4 SHOP. If you are interested please add me on my EMAIL: ***************************************************** I be accepting offers. Oh yeah, I got R, E, D, C badges unlocked. Please add me on my email for more information, or give me ur ingame Character name. Account has 27 accounts being registered on the refferal system, so thats 2700 CC monthly. Character name can be changed at my own expensives. Bump, Any 1? level 89 bump. Account leveled to level 90. Bump...... Bump, Any buyers? Umm your from where. How much are you expecting? I'll give 80 EU