Sold Gift card 9% off Can pay with credit card

Discussion in 'Amazon Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/TmobileTuesdayDeals, 4/23/17.

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  1. /u/TmobileTuesdayDeals

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    Where can i get it from: App is called, GiftMe (Available on Google Play and IOS)

    How do i pay: You can pay with any CC (almost all the CC gives you 1% back but Citi double cash gives you 2% back, so you get 9% # from the app and 1-2% from your CC, and you dont need to worry about paying someone with paypal as friend and family like you have to on #/giftcardexchange :) )

    Any Warranty: 7 Days money back Warranty ( what they advertise on App)

    Site link:

    just wanted to help out other people on this sub, I was on a hunt for Amazon Gift card, and wasnt approved into GCXexchange because account is not active enough so i did some research to where to buy Amazon gift card, and stumble upon App called GiftMe have several gift cards for very good # the one i like was amazon gift card $50 for $45.50 and you can pay with credit card if you have a citi double cash card you get additional 2% from your CC.

    # #/TmobileTuesdayDeals
    # .
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