Sold SOLD Selling NA global top 1-5% account 2 max transcended keys 7 ult keys

Discussion in 'Dragon Blaze Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by iiblood, 4/22/17.

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  1. iiblood

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    Hows it going, I currently have two accounts and can no longer invest my time into both. Decided to sell my alternate. This account can easily get into top 50 for buster arena and top 100 for hero arena. Top 5% for WBs and is part of a top 10 guild battle team that can clear GA round 9. The account can easily earn 1500 rubies weekly and can generally get SSS easily during the week.

    35mil left since maxing transcended with 2254 rubies and 20000 friend points

    Has 3 gear links unlocked
    108 Paladin, 105 Priest, 105Rogue, 102 Archer
    Winter costume for rogue and paladin with Guild battle costumes as well for characters.
    Paladin, rogue, and priest have the Hell Knight title and the priest has HOF title.

    All characters have SSS gems in armor, 2 pages of dual U cards
    1 set of lv100 arena accessory, 2 sets of lv80 U asccessories
    35 Trans ess, 30 titan, 20 hero, 16 light
    4 Monkey Brooches, 400$ value mind you.
    3 Hero select summons in the inbox
    9 days of Eligos left.
    Dark Soul package is still available if you would like to buy it

    Max TDC and max TAria


    Iota - Max
    Atlas +3
    Shiva +7
    Omega - base

    PayPal only - PM me offers

    If you are interested feel free to drop me a PM or message in the thread. Looking for someone that can take over this account and take it to better places. Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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