I denied offers for my full ask before which I am now regretting and I need the money fast and if possible I need to get rid of the account today! I'm asking for $150 which is pretty cheap for the base so great deal! I'm asking money via paypal so it's more secure for the buyer and I. No trades or itunes please. Kik: o.r.business
Hey James can you kik me it's a faster and easier way to communicate me and if you don't have one just make one really quick it's pretty simple
HIGH RISK. Try not to use 3rd party apps such as kik. I'll buy this straight away, if you're willing to use a playerup middleman and communicate via inbox ONLY.
If you really want to buy it safely then buy it on my e b ay there is a buy it now option so first one to get it wins Go to e b ay and search seller:theoscar822 and then go to my listings and then go to my CoC account and buy it there!
E bay is not a safe option. I had a case open against me saying that someone else was playing on the account. I did not win the dispute because this was not try i won because E bay said the item was listed under the wrong category and was thus not covered by buyer protection. E BAY IS JUST AS RISKY AS PAYPAL BUYERS ARE NOT PROTECTED.
What are you talking about both those companies have excellent buyer protection I was scammed for $90 on an account and I opened up a dispute the same day and then I got my money back in 3 days if you don't want to that's fine haha
PayPal does not protect intangible items and e bay is the same. You should just use a middleman it wouldn't even cost you anymore than you would pay in fees for e bay. I have been scammed before and it sucks. Below is proof that you are not protected.