Sold Clash Of Clans Level 126 Champion Account with Rare Features!

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Old Accounts | COC Accounts Sold' started by Facebook, 5/26/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    The seller posted this account for sale on Facebook. and has +22 Feedback. We aren't directly selling this account ourselves. Please use his contact information below if you have any questions:

    Incredible clash of clans account FREE with purchase of joke. Comes with ~1800 gems.

    Clash account has an extremely rare Gold Grab stat higher than 908,000,000 (few billionaires in the entire game!).

    This account has been the leader of a top 200 clan, has been in multiple famous top 50 clans and has connections with many famous people in the game, you will not go long without finding friends all over the top clans and in global chats!

    All defenses, traps and building upgrades are maxed! Heros are both level 23! All troops and spells are maxed with the exceptions of Balloon, Peeka, Minion, Valkyrie (all of which I do not think are worth the upgrades). There are 204 level 9 walls! As shown in pictures, 2 elixir collectors are 1 day away from being maxed, so 1 day after this posting, they will be finished.

    This account is in Champions league and has the potential to go high up in the leaderboards. (As shown in the pictures, this account has won 3 of the 4 defenses in Champions league!)

    Message me if you have any questions about this account. My username on Kik is: _TheWiz_ . The quicker this sells, the more gems it comes with, as I unfortunately have too much to tend to in real life, gems will be used to buy shields for the account until it sells, so buy it fast!
    Account username and password will be sent to the buyer along with the joke, after the buyers' money is payed and cleared.
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    Hey please contact me !
    my budget 4000 €

    EMAIL : [email protected]

    WHATSAPP/NUMBER : +49 0176 68709681
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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