Looking to sell completely MAXXED out base with 6600 gems included. That means defenses, troops, heroes, walls, all of it. Currently sitting level 129 with around 3300 cups. Serious inquiries only through Middleman services.
Order Checkout – PlayerUp.com | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.
Hey dude! I'm a serious buyer and i'm looking for an champion account since 2 Month! My budget 4000 € Please contact me as soon as possible! WHATSAPP/NUMBER : +49 0176 68709681
Alex - kik me at tkhaddon. I can setup a middleman account at $2400 and alert you when posting for first crack.
Order Checkout – PlayerUp.com | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.
Hey is that guy LEMUHI for real? There are complete Y maxed everything accounts here going for much less than 4000e
Order Checkout – PlayerUp.com | PlayerUp - MMO Accounts Marketplace. Most Secure Player 2 Player Network.