Sold Selling Sale Elsword (3 lvl 80 and 2 lvl 85 characters with +9 Gear)

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by floretpes.t, 4/19/17.

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  1. floretpes.t

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    Has a total of 9 characters. 2 Add Classes DE and LP Both with sets IB and +9 Gear (LP with weapon +10 MK3), all 3 classes of Ara All with at least 1 suit Lvl 44 SD, 50 YR, 78 AS, 2 classes Chung Lvl 85 TT and Lvl 50 FG (TT also has 8/8 GoF complete Set IB and 4/4 Archangel, 2 Luciel Classes DL and RG Both Lvl 80 (RG with Costume) There are 10 Total Mounts There is also a Pet Reaper Rebirth in the DE Account information email [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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